Tag Archives: resolution

My Resolution

This is the time of year every year that I get to slow down and remember the past year, bathe in the happiness that was and look forward to the happiness to come. I am so grateful for all I have. I have an amazing family that loves me. They love me in spite of my imperfections – sometimes I think they love me for them – a few of them anyway! And despite how I often judge myself, I love me.

I am not a great thinker so I won’t bore you with cute sayings and quotes I have found on Pinterest. I would merely like to say that I am so happy to be alive and every day that I am I will try harder to be a better me than I am today – I will try as hard in June as I did in January! If however, when we meet next year at this time I am the same me I am today (full of good intentions and not good follow through) I promise to still be smiling and trying!

Happy New Year World!